
Life can be difficult at times and Mental Health issues are common. Recent studies show Anxiety Disorders affect 40 million adults and is the most common Mental Health issue in this country. Depression affects over 16 million adults. Both conditions can be successfully treated. Only ⅓ of people living with these disorders seek treatment.

We strive to assist you to find healthy solutions and learn new tools to manage Anxiety and Depression. Our goal is for you to alleviate distressing symptoms and improve your everyday quality of life. Talking to one of our Mental Health professionals gives you the opportunity to learn specific strategies and tools to address challenges you may be having. With the assistance of our expert therapist, we help you identify underlying issues of anxiety and depression, teach you tools to manage and find solutions that will work best for you. Our therapists talk with clients seeking assistance with relationships, divorce, loss, stress management, anxiety, depression, social skills, family conflict, parent-child relationship issues or family of origin issues…just to name a few!

We know life can be challenging. We are here for you.


Growth and strength can result from our trauma and we often can learn important life skills…but that is easier said than done! The dynamics of trauma are complicated and the multiple negative outcomes it can have on our mind, body and soul are vast. Unresolved trauma can show up as depression, anxiety, relationship struggles and general dissatisfaction. EMDR therapy (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) is a gentle, easy process with powerful results. Learn more about EMDR therapy and how this technique might benefit you on your journey.

Trauma can occur in many different forms- experiences of neglect or abuse as a child or in experiences in adulthood with relationships, loss or other life events such as death of a loved one or divorce. Trauma happens, let us help you resolve your trauma and move forward.


Life Skills often determine one’s quality of life. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based model of psychotherapy that uses Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) principles. Originally DBT was developed by Marsha Lineman and initially for those who had more serious Mental Health issues, but the skills proved so effective DBT is now used for a majority of the population for other disorders and quality of life enhancement. Essentially, DBT teaches new skills used to help manage painful emotions  and decrease relationship conflict. We see DBT as the “common core” of Social-Emotional learning-skills we don’t learn in school but need to know to ensure a healthy and happy life!

DBT focuses on these four key elements:

  • Mindfulness: Ability to accept and be present within the moment
  • Distress Tolerance: Increase ability to tolerate negative emotions, rather than trying to escape them
  • Emotion Regulation: Tools and strategies to manage and change emotions that are distressing
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness: Techniques that support healthy relationships promoting assertive yet kind communication with others

DBT skills can assist people to improve and regulate their emotions, creating more tolerance of distress and negative emotions, allowing a person to be mindful and present within the moment, improve communication, and strengthen relationships with others